โรงพยาบาลจุฬาลงกรณ์ สภากาชาดไทย

Occupational Health and Health Promotion

Providing occupational health services, safety and a safe working environment within the hospital.

In 2010, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, established a Wellness Center to provide exercise facilities and equipment, 6th Floor, H.M. King Ananda Mahidol Building, as well as creating projects and activities to support the health promotion against NCDs disease for personnel in hospitals and the Faculty of medicine. Later, at the end of 2014, the Thai Red Cross Society had given approval to King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital to establish an Occupational Health Center to be responsible for occupational health, safety and the working environment by applying the principles of occupational medicine and occupational hygiene in accordance within the hospital context. The Center focused on surveillance and risk prevention in physical, chemical, biological and ergonomic science.

In 2019, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital had changed the management structure by including departments of the occupational health center and the health promotion center. Their goals are to align in terms of health and safety at work for personnel, to be the Occupational Health and Health Promotion Center (OHHP), managed by Mrs. Sompit Siangboon, the former head of the Occupational Health Center.


Provide occupational health services, safety, and good work environment for the Hospital’s work units as well as promote efficient personnel health promotion.

Support Activities

  1. Promote personnel immunology.
  2. Implement annual physical examination and medical checkup according to the risk of individual personnel.
  3. Promote personnel health.
  4. Management of food sanitation in the Hospital.
  5. Support preliminary safety and work environment surveys.
  6. Conduct work environment inspection and measurement.
  7. Promote occupational health and work safety knowledge.
  8. Oversee chemical system management.
  9. Oversee risk management, management of personnel who suffer from work-related infection and injury.


  1. To promote, maintain and protect the health of personnel to be safe from diseases or injuries caused at work, including chronic diseases related to lifestyle and behavior, especially diseases in the NCDs group.
  2. To explore the working environment, risk assess the working environment using various occupational hygiene tools for risk surveillance in unsafe working environments.
  3. To support occupational health and health promotion for proper solutions to the working environment problems in various departments in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital.

Mrs. Sompis Siengboon – Head of Occupational Health and Health Promotion (OHHP). 

  1. Occupational health nurses.
  2. Occupational health personnel / Safety officer.
  3. Health educators.
  4. Administrative officer.


Occupational Health and Health Promotion (OHHP) puts a lot of effort into occupational health services, safety and the working environment, as well as health promotion against  NCDs disease. OHHP provides 2 main services as follows:

1. Health Promotion :

  • Personnel Health.
    Immunology service and vaccination to personnel with occupational risk including;
    • Hepatitis A vaccine.
    • Hepatitis B vaccine.
    • Varicella vaccine.
    • MMR vaccine.
    • Tdap vaccine.
    • Influenza vaccine.
  • Health Check up for personnel
    Health Check up for personnel with an occupational risk at least once a year, including an audiogram, occupation vision tests, pulmonary function tests, liver and kidney function tests  and mercury examination in urine and lead in blood tests.
  • Health promotion to personnel
    Changing behavior for good health for personnel in all functions through mass communication according to the principles of health promotion and public policy. Strengthening a strong community and personal skill development for physical and mental health promotion and non-communicable diseases: NCDs prevention through educating nutrition and exercise.

2. Safety & Environment

  • Walkthrough Survey
    Risk assessment to personnel at work including Physical, chemical, biological, ergonomics and fire incidents for working environment assessment. 
  • Working environment assessment.
    Working environment assessment with occupational health tools in the area that may affect the short-term and long-term health of personnel. The measurement includes light, sound, heat, temperature, relative humidity, and biological chemistry such as CO2, CO, O3, PM10, PM2.5, chemical concentrations, air circulation, bacteria and fungi.
  • Occupational Health and safety promotion
    Training courses for safety understanding and awareness in the workplace for work effectiveness such as safety staff at supervisor level trainers (Safety Supervisors), hearing conservation courses for personnel working in noisy areas, ergonomics courses and PPE training courses, etc. 

Occupational Health and Health Promotion (OHHP) manage their work with high efficiency and effectiveness while implementing immunization efforts for at-risk personnel in accordance with guidance standards. OHHP is also the first department to perform safety surveys and environmental measurements within various departments in the hospital, leading to a safe working environment.

Certification of good health promotion by the Ministry of Public Health’s project “Good deed making and weight control for health promotion for Thai people” (2012) and the Certificate of Appreciation presented to Health Promotion Center of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital for outstanding volunteer service to The 2019 IYF World Culture Camp Thailand.

Sor Thor Building, 17th Floor

Monday from 08:00 to 16:00


Occupational Health and Health Promotion (OHHP)



02 256 5020

02 256 4000 Ext. 3540 or 5020 or 71701


Other Contact Channels



The Food court, H.M. Queen Sirikit Building

The Food court, Sor Kor. Building offers main meals such as rice with toppings and noodles, healthy foods, snacks and beverages, starting at 30 baht.

Black Canyon Food and Drink Restaurant
