โรงพยาบาลจุฬาลงกรณ์ สภากาชาดไทย

Nursing Department

A model nursing institution with virtue, standard quality at international level and is reliable to patients.

King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital was previously attached to the Ministry of Defense and was operated by professional midwives with a diploma from Her Majesty Queen Saowapa Phongsri’s School of Nursing and Midwifery, Siriraj Hospital, who were responsible for female patient care. Male patients were attended by male nurses, of the sergeant and private soldier ranks, from the Central Royal Thai Army Nursing Division. The first nursing school in Siam was subsequently established on 16 June 1914 under the administration of the Education Section of the Central Royal Thai Army Nursing Division and the supervision of the Thai Red Cross Society.

In 1917, the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital was no longer managed by the Ministry of Defense for a period of one year, the Department of Education, Royal Thai Army Nursing Division was discharged. After that, the Nursing school was transferred to the medical department of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital.

In 1927, the Siam Red Cross had once again combined all of its nursing-related divisions and the Education Section into a single unit with Mom Chao Ying Mandalarop Kamalas as the Head Nurse in charge of both the nursing services and the nursing school. In 1969, the Thai Red Cross Society deemed it suitable to improve and reorganize its educational and nursing services due to the increased workloads of each section by separating them into two sections with the Head Nurse being responsible for the nursing services. The Nursing Section became the Nursing Department in 1997 to the present day.

Awards and Recognition

  1. The Nursing Department supports quality development. That is training activities such as the academic presentation forum and quality development activities in every department for at least 1 project a year under the PI: Performance Improvement. Many of those projects were developed into nursing innovations and were promoted overseas, such as the teaching programs to increase the skill, ability and success rate of urinary catheterization of patients with persistent or inability to urinate (Bhor Por Ror Building, Floor 6). The project helped effectively reduce the rate of patients with urinary infections. And it won the first prize of the quality exhibition system from Thammasat Hospital and the quality exhibition contest “Inner Power, Together We Can” in the 18th Ha National Forum and presented at the International forum – Quality and Safety in Healthcare in London. 

  2. The Nursing Professional Development Center  was established in 2016 and it was the prototype of a new model of nurse training under the Nurse Residency Training Program for career development in the clinical nurse educator field.

  3. The disease specific certification of the occupational nurses working closely with a multidisciplinary team for effective and recognizable medical care such as acute myeloid leukemia, stroke and chronic kidney disease.

  4. During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the ICN: Infection Control Nurse team has effectively helped train and monitor the fitting of anti-infectious equipment to all King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital personnel. The feedback was highly positive  for it perfectly helped build confidence in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.


  1. Establish a quality nursing service system that is equivalent to the international standard as well as the moral and ethical principles of nursing.
  2. Promote development of nurses into professional and/or specialist nurses with outstanding capability and efficiency. To become a source of source of professional experience and training.
  3. Promote nursing innovations with the use of empirical evidence and research works. Create academic networks and elevate its nursing quality and standard to the national and international standards.
  4. Establish a nursing management system that is based on the good governance principle in order to create organizational commitment among personnel as well as work efficiency and sustainability.


We are a model nursing institution with virtue, standard quality at international level and is reliable to patients.


  1. To provide a quality nursing service system with international standards by adhering to the virtues and ethics of the nursing profession.
  2. To develop nurses to become specialists/ or specialists with high potential and efficiency and as a source for enhancing professional experience.
  3. To develop innovation in nursing, using empirical evidence and research as well as creating academic networks and developing nursing quality at the national and international levels.
  4. To organize a nursing management system with good governance so that employees are connected and have a good quality of life, leading to the development of work efficiency and sustainability.

Support Activities

  1. Provide efficient nursing services that adhere to the moral and ethical principles of the nursing profession.
  2. Provide conscientious nursing services, health promotion, rehabilitation of illness and disability, and disease prevention services.
  3. Provide comprehensive nursing services for all stages of illnesses i.e. outpatient departments, emergency rooms, inpatient wards, critical wards, operating rooms, delivery rooms, specialized nursing units, including continuous post-discharge patient care under the supervision of the Home Care Center.
  4. Promote personnel capacity building for more specialized nursing skills through development of the Department’s work quality, research works, and academic services in the forms of personnel training projects and personnel knowledge-sharing seminars.
  5. Develop and enhance nursing innovations to improve the quality of nursing services on a continuing basis.

Currently, Nursing Department takes ultimate effort to service patients and is divided into 15 Divisions as follows;

  1. Internal Medicine Nursing Division
  2. Nursing, Surgery and Ophthalmology and Orthopedic Surgery Division
  3. Special Ward Nursing Division
  4. Obstetrics-Gynecology Nursing and Delivery Room
  5. Pediatric Nursing Division
  6. Accident-Emergency Nursing Division
  7. Outpatient Specialized Nursing Work Division.
  8. Critical Care Nursing Work Division.
  9. Surgical Nursing Division.
  10. Nursing, Specialized Radiology, Radiotherapy and Radiology Division
  11. Specialized Neurology and Psychiatric Nursing Division
  12. HR Nursing Division
  13. Nursing Service Quality Improvement
  14. Aged Patient Care Division, Sor Thor Building
  15. Nursing Service Support Division including central payment unit, laundry unit, maid unit, nursing dorm


The Nursing Department has adopted and applied the Red Cross spirit to all aspects of its nursing services, ranging from nursing care to health promotion, rehabilitation of illness and disability, and illness prevention. It provides comprehensive nursing services for all stages of illnesses i.e. outpatient departments, emergency rooms, inpatient wards, critical wards, operating rooms, delivery rooms, specialized nursing units, including continuous post-discharge patient care under the supervision of the Home Care Center. In addition, it also engages in quality development efforts, research and academic services in the forms of training programs and monthly internal knowledge-sharing seminars for personnel. All academic programs are constantly revised to keep up with the changing circumstances for personnel capacity building in specialized nursing skills and enhancing nursing innovations to continuously improve the quality of nursing services.

The Nursing Department also offers training courses for nurses from other institutions with the objectives of sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences in various specialized nursing skills to keep up with the advancement in medical sciences and nursing profession of today. Some of these training programs are: 

  1. Specialized nursing skills in renal replacement therapy.
  2. Comprehensive Clinical Practice in Neurology and Neurosurgery.
  3. Nurse-led geriatric hospital care.
  4. Workshop on the topic of “Wound and Stoma Care”.
  5. Short-term training courses on nursing care for patients receiving chemotherapy.

There are also many other courses available at the nursing department open to public. 

Rattanawittayapat Building, 2nd Floor

Monday – Friday 08.00 – 16.00 hrs.


Nursing Department
Rattanawittayapat Building, 2nd Floor



02 256 4000 Ext. 60281 – 2





The Snack and Beverage Shop by Xylene Plus

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