โรงพยาบาลจุฬาลงกรณ์ สภากาชาดไทย

Order Treatment rights Documents to be prepared
1 Government Officials Identification Card (ID)
2 Private organizations or enterprises 1.Hospital Transfer form 

2.Identification Card (ID)

3 Reimbursement from registered hospital 1.Hospital Transfer form 

2.Identification Card (ID)

4 Social Security register with Chulalongkorn Hospital Identification Card (ID)
5 Social Security register with other hospitals 1.Hospital Transfer form 

2.Identification Card (ID)

6 30 Baht Health insurance register with Chulalongkorn Hospital Identification Card (ID)
7 30 Baht Health insurance register with other hospitals 1.Hospital Transfer form 

2.Identification Card (ID)

*For patients under the age of 15 years old must provide either a birth certificate or identification card (ID)
