โรงพยาบาลจุฬาลงกรณ์ สภากาชาดไทย

Department of Pharmacology

The Department of Pharmacology, Chulalongkorn hospital is the role model for education and research.

The Faculty of Medicine, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital was established in 1946 and the first semester started on June 11th, 1947. Back then, Pharmacology was acknowledged as a division. Pharmacology and Biochemistry were assembled with the Physiology Department which was established at the same time with the faculty of Medicine. There were work spaces, lecture rooms and operating theatres at the Faculty of Medicine, an old building which was renovated and became the Ananda Mahidol Building until present.

In 1965 the Royal Decree assigned Biochemistry and Pharmacology as individual Divisions. As a result, The Pharmacology Division, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital was established in November 1965 with Professor Doctor Trakul Kittisin as the first Chief of the division from 1965 – 1976.

In 1967, The Royal Decree transferred the Faculty of Medicine, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, and Medical University to be under the supervision of Chulalongkorn University. Then the name was changed to the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University.

In June 2008, the Department of Pharmacology was relocated to the Phaetthayaphat Building (Pre-Clinic Lecture Building). The administration office and teachers room are on the 10th floor of the Phaetthayaphat Building. There are 6 Research and Operating theatres on the 9th Floor.

The Department of Pharmacology has a duty to teach Pharmacology subjects to  Bachelors of medicine.

There were 4 hospitals and institutes providing a medical graduate program in clinics for medical students in the 4th – 6th year, these places were King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, King Prajadhipok Memorial Hospital (Prapokklao Hospital, Chanthaburi), Chonburi Hospital and Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital (Royal Thai Air force).

In 1987, the Faculty of medicine offered a Master of science (Medical Science) with the collaboration of  pre-clinic and a clinical program to create a curriculum and offer classes such as anatomy, microbiology, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, parasitology, physiology and internal medicine. The Pharmacology department takes a part in currently offering this program. 

In 1988, The department of Pharmacology in different faculties of Chulalongkorn University such as Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of dentistry, faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, collaborated to offer a Master of science (Multi-professional in Pharmacology) to enhance the limited resources for the best benefit. The center of administration and collaboration was at the department of Pharmacology, Faculty of medicine from the first admission in Pharmacology in 1988 until the present. Then, the department offered a Doctoral Degree, Pharmacology (Multi-professional) and had its first admission in 2001. 


The Department of Pharmacology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital is the role model for education and research as well as international standard of services.


  1. To produce medical graduates by using innovative education, to self-improve in a professional aspect, be a critical thinker, be a reasonable drug dispenser, have a good attitude and morals for patient care.
  2. To produce medical graduates to become problem solvers, analytical thinkers including following up and evaluating new knowledge continuously and to produce valuable research. 
  3. To produce basic pharmacology research, pharmacology clinical and innovative education internationally. 
  4. To provide efficient academic services and be widely accepted in Thailand. 
  5. Become an academic reference and become a leader to solve Thailand’s public health problems. 
  6. To produce an effective administration mechanism.
  7. Support staff to have a good quality of life and to love and be proud of the department and to create a happy workplace.
  8. Maintain a Thai identity and wisdom.


  1. M Morality (Be moral and ethical).
  2. E Excellence (Display excellence all around).
  3. D Dignity (Have dignity and be proud).
  4. I Innovation (Be a learning institute and innovative).
  5. S Social Responsibility (Be responsible for society and the environment).
  6. C Continuous Improvement (Self-improve continuously to become excellent).
  7. U Unity (Be United as a team).


  1. Be a leader in innovative education that can be applied reasonably.
  2. To Integrate teaching, research, academic service in pharmacogenomics, herbs, cancer research, and stem cell research. 


The Department of Pharmacology provides academic services as shown below:

  1. Operating theatre : Chula Pharmacokinetic Research Center.  
    To study about Pharmacokinetic and Bioequivalence  of medicine for internal and external organizations. 
  2. To inspect the pharmacogenomics laboratory. 
  • The Department of pharmacology operating hours. 
    Weekdays, 08.00 – 16.00 hrs.
    Phaetthayaphat Building, 2nd Floor, Room 927 and 928
  • Operating theatre : Chula Pharmacokinetic Research Center. 
    Phaetthayaphat Building, 2nd Floor, Room 927 and 928
The Department of pharmacology
Phaetthayaphat Building, 10th Floor


02 256 4481





Snack shop by Pao Pao Khun Ying

Snack shop by Pao Pao Khun Ying is firstly famous for its steamed buns and Mantou, the iconic taste of Bangkok.

Snack, Beverage and Dessert Shop by Nuk-Nak

Snack, Beverage and Dessert Shop by Nuk-Nak - King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, The Thai Red Cross Society
