โรงพยาบาลจุฬาลงกรณ์ สภากาชาดไทย

Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy

Prepare food for patients and staff with cleanliness, safety, and standards that adhere to food sanitation principles, ensuring nutritional value.

Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, The Thai Red Cross Society was established in 1975 with the location on the 2nd floor of  Uppakan Vejakij Building with the aim to cater diet for patients and staff of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, The Thai Red Cross Society.


Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy aims to provide nutritional and therapeutic nutrition services to patients in accordance with quality standards to ensure safety and satisfaction of patients. The department has the purpose of becoming the leader in dietary management for patients with certain diseases in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital in 2025.  


To provide clean, safe, correct, on time and standardized diet in accordance with food sanitation, nutrition and therapeutic nutrition for patients and staff of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, The Thai Red Cross Society.

The Department has achieved four accreditation standards as follows:

  1. Advanced Hospital Accreditation (Advanced HA).
  2. Excellent level for GMP in mass catering for patient food and tube feeding services.
  3. GHPs Codex for patient food and tube feeding services.
  4. HACCP Codex for tube feeding canteens.

(These standardsare granted by the National Food Institute, Ministry of Industry)


  1. To provide patients with appropriate diets based on doctors’ suggestions and nutrition therapy principles
  2. To provide patients with clean and safe food without contamination
  3. To assess the nutritional status patients with critical diseases and provide the proper nutrition and nutrition therapy plans 
  4. To provide patients satisfaction in food and service.

Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital has subdivisions as follows;

  1. General Administration Subdivision
  2. Nutrition Education Subdivision
  3. Nutrition Therapy Subdivision
  4. Nutrition Service Subdivision


Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital provide diet services as follows:

  1. Provide food service for general patients and patients with specific diseases in the hospital approximately 1,403 beds/day in accordance with doctor’s suggestion
  2. Provide three main meals for nursing students
  3. Provide lunch, dinners and late meals for doctors, operating room staff, emergency staff and critical ward staff   
  4. Cater for the monks 
  5. Provide catering services on special days both snacks and main meals
  6. Provide the meals for members of the royal family together with their followers on various occasions

The Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy collaborates with multidisciplinary teams in various clinics to provide nutrition consultation to the following groups of patients

  1. Patients with obesity and patients underwent gastric bypass surgery.
  2. Diabetic and endocrine pediatric and adult patients.
  3. Pediatric patients with malnutrition or gastrointestinal disorders.
  4. Patients with chronic kidney diseases before and after dialysis, both intravenous (HD) and abdominal dialysis (CAPD) methods.
  5. Patients with psoriasis.
  6. Patients with ENT cancer.
  7. Patients with dementia.
  8. Stroke patients.
  9. Elderly people with an interest in nutrition (Healthy Elderly Clinic).
  10. Heart failure patients.
  11. Hospitalized patients who have been referred for diet therapy during recuperation or dietitian consultation before being discharged.

Furthermore, those who are interested in the diet service in the hospital could visit the Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy for the observational study regarding patient food service system and providing food through the feeding line for patients. The department is also willing to pass its diet knowledge to multidisciplinary teams.

Uppakan Vejakij Building, 2nd Floor

Every day, 06.00 – 20.00 hrs.


Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy



02 256 4000 Ext. 92027-32

E-mail : foodnutrition.chula@hotmail.com



Department of Dietetics and Diet Therapy Uppakan Vejakij Building, 2nd Floor King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital: The Thai Red Cross Society

1873 Rama 4 Rd. Pathumwan Bangkok 10330.


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