โรงพยาบาลจุฬาลงกรณ์ สภากาชาดไทย

Program 1 :  For those aged 35 and older, Price 1,180 baht

This program is a detailed physical examination to support the physical change of age, suitable for people aged 35 and over and for the elders. The program is as follows:

  1. FBS blood glucose test.
  2. Liver function tests AST, ALT, ALP.
  3. Kidney function test, BUN, Cr.
  4. Blood lipid checker CHO, TG, HDL.
  5. Uric acid test.
  6. Complete blood count CBC.
  7. Chest X-Ray.
  8. ECG EKG.
  9. Urine examination.
  10. Health consultation with physicians.
  11. A health examination report book ( for an individual).
